Entity Field Creation Tool

Entity Field Creation Tool is a Windows application which can be used to create entities and fields on just a click of a button!

Steps to use:

  1. Install the managed solution (available with the most latest release in GitHub Repository) in your Dynamics CRM instance.
  2. Assign the user with either System Administrator Role or EFCT App Access Role (which is along with the managed solution).
  3. Activate the product from the Configuration Page of the Solution. It's free and will always be.
  4. Fill up the provided Excel Template - Excel Template - EFCT as per your requirement.
  5. Now you are good to use the Entity Field Creation Tool.
  6. Note:
  • Excel File Name can be altered as per user requirement.
  • Go through the hints available for some of the columns.
  • Do not alter the Headers and Sheet Names.

Functionalities not supported:

  1. Fields of type Image cannot be created.
  2. You can only create Simple fields (No Calculated/Rollup fields).
  3. Global Option Set can not be used for creating fields of Option Set type. (Planned for next Release)
  4. User need to take care of the field limit in Dynamics CRM for different types of field, especially for fields of type Lookup, Option Set.

Known Issues:

  • App screen is freezed while logging in and creating entity-fields, and continues to be in the same state till the respective process is completed. (will be resolved in upcoming releases)